Last night Sarah was here and Meghan was in town from Austin with her boyfriend, we went to see Ear Pwr at DBA and then went to the Levee where I saw this woman Meredith who gave a talk about Mexico City at Silent Barn last year right before I went. She seemed really full of anger- I tried to be all zen and hippy with her but whatever- some people just like to be angry- myself included at various points on the trajectory. Before that, Sarah and I went and got sushi at Sunrise Mart on Broome, saw Todd and Federico, got posh drinks at the Hudson Hotel (i had a mango ginger margarita!), and then went and drank beer in Central Park with Luke while eating more sushi before going to BK. Sushi and drinks in the spring are A plus.
Today we went to Washington Square Park and before that sandwiches at this place I really love that Liza and I used to go to on 13th st- Te Adore.
Saturday night I went to see Dan Deacon at midnite with Lynas and Luke- it was Really Fun. All caps. Future Islands opened and everyone was drunk and slip sliding around by the end. Got home pretty late and woke up with Shoog-ala.
The night before that I went to a nice opening at the Boiler- Pierogi's new space on n.14th. Two real live camaros gradually crashing into each other and a corona bottle that endlessly breaks itself in slow motion and then re-constitutes itself at rapid speed.
I have an article in my friend Zara's zine, Taffy Hips- you can get them at Spoonbill and Sugartown on Bedford and at Desert Island on Metropolitan, get get it it...
Keep it happy keep it snappy.
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