Last night I had this dream: I was trying to get on the MassPike because I had a hemorrhoid and needed to complete this 5K road race to prevent coastal flooding but the woman at the tollbooth wouldn’t let me enter unless she could crunkle up my CharlieCard. I screamed, “You bitch!” Then all these gay guys came about in tie-dye t-shirts, laughing, saying, “What’s the deal? What did you expect? That’s how things are done around here.” So I hijacked a bus heading to Spring Street and ended up at the harbor with this guy I kept calling Siskin who fed me green candies he kept in his pocket. I ran through a cemetery to win the race and everyone else drowned in a puddle. Victorious!
hemmoroids are a common side effect of recreational drug use.
I've been having strange dreams too - one was about a train station in chinatown that had a full desert on the roof with eskalators going up and down the sand dunes.
The alley behind the train station was filled with giant colored flowers. For some reason I was there with my mother. Uh oh!
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